I am working on the publication of a second novel, TIME'S UP, which is set in the San Francisco Bay area. It's a story about three psychiatrists, one of whom is a serial killer. The protagonist, Dr. Michael Amoretti, is a handsome 'shrink' in Tiburon, who discovers his best friend has been murdered and he, and his family, have been targeted by the killer.
The plot introduces a second psychiatrist, a professor of forensic psychiatry at Stanford University, who is the world's leading authority on serial killers and has offered to help in identifying the killer.
A San Francisco homicide duo add color to the storyline in their futile attempt at solving the mystery.
When one of Michael's children from a previous marriage is murdered in New York and a second child is killed in San Francisco, he is forced to take matters into his own hands. With the help of a female detective, Michael sets about solving the serial crimes. The plot thickens when Michael realizes that he is the powder that fuels the serial killer's explosions and an interplay between the book's characters evolves into a final scene in London's Whitechapel Road, where the plot reveals the utter mental sickness of Michael's medical colleague.
All in all, the read should prove to be interesting at worst, and exciting at best, as the plot takes us between several northwest states, Canada, and finally, England, where the saga ends. We hope to have publication ready for the middle of 2014 and will keep everyone posted as to the exact date as the time draws near.